Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I experienced my first earthquake today. I've lived in California since 2002 and have never felt one previously. (There have been a few but I've either been sleeping or driving.) Crazy.

It was a very interesting and also scary. The earthquake was centered in Chino Hills and was a 5.4 on the Richter scale. Not huge but definitely not a puny 'quake either. It shook both my office building and Ryan's (neither of which is anywhere near the epicenter).

Since I never went through "Earthquake Drills" in Michigan (does California even have those?), instead focusing on our "Tornado Drills", I had no idea if I should sit under my desk, stand in the doorway (of which, there wouldn't be nearly enough for all of the students, staff, and faculty), or go outside. We went outside which is apparently what you should NOT do in case of falling debris from the building.

So far, I haven't heard of any major damage or any fatalities. My thoughts go out to those impacted by the earthquake.

1 comment:

Stephen Caver said...

This is kind of an old post but I will comment anyway. At my high school we called them "Disaster drills" which consists of marching in a mass around the school, down the block and onto the football field where we waste an afternoon. The best thing to do in an Earthquake if you are inside is get under a sturdy piece of furniture. Lots of people think doorways but actually with modern buildings there is no more structural integrity in a doorway than in any other location — and since doors can swing open and shut they could hurt you in such a manner. Under the desk is the best thing to do. If you're outside get away from powerlines and things that can fall on you, preferably in an open field. That said, I've been a lifelong Californian and I've never done any of these things …